Monday, 8 November 2010

Types of Shot

Match Cut

The Match-cut shot is where an object which is of a similar style to another object, making the two ideas a metaphor. E.g. The film A Space Odyssey shows a dog bone being thrown in the air, linking with a satellite in the sky.

30 degree rule

The 30° rule is where the camera should move at least 30° between shots in the same sequence. The shots must be different enough to avoid a 'Jump Cut'. Too much movement in the sequence may come under the 180° rule.

Up Shot

This shot gives the object higher status by making it seem larger and as if they are above us it makes it seem as though you are in a live performance due to looking up at the object (audience).

180 degree rule

This rule means that the two characters involved should always have the same left to right structure to prevent confusion of the audience (music videos tend not to abide this rule).

Tracking Shot

This is where the camera is mounted onto a dolly and wheeled along a track to keep the camera in line with the moving scene.

Cross Cutting

Cross cutting is a editing technique which flicks between two scenes to create an effect; the usual effect being tension and fear, a lot of horror movies use this technique.

Jump Cut

This is a type of cut where two sequential shots of the same object is taken but varied only slightly to make the camera seem disorientated.

Establishing Shot

This is a shot which is usually shown at the start of a new scene to show the new location of the sequence, an example would be to show the building of the sequence.

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